This is a conversation with Jenny Hill, who is based in Canada but actually used to live near me in North Texas, about life, relationships, FOMO, women speaking up in the workplace, and more. It’s pretty fun and interesting, so give it a whirl. One thing to pull from it, IMHO, is something that happens around the 75 percent mark of the episode: me and Jenny (“Jenn-AY!”) talk about different reactions to birth announcements, gender announcements, Instagram, etc. I’ve had this conversation dozens of times in the past few years, but what’s always interesting to me is that my and ex were together about ages 28-36, right? Because we were “from” the Northeast, people had kids later. So a lot of kids from that social ecosystem started getting born after we broke up. Now I’m with someone who is 31, and most of her friends are pregnant and having kids — and I’m 38/39. So it’s like doing it as “second wave.” It’s interesting to be a part of. Maybe I am over-analyzing. Anyway — > pick your preferred audio source for the episode here.
The Blunder Years, Episode 16: “I’m not doing as well as so-and-so” (+ gender reveals, exes, more)