The Blunder Years, Episode 22: Work self? Personal self? Uh, it’s the same self.

This is a convo between myself and Vadim Liberman, he of various fame including Prudential, Starr, and now ERE. Oh wait, don’t forget DisruptHR. The self-appointed “Liberace of HR,” Vadim and I have been friends/connected for about three years now. We overlapped at the same job for roughly eight months; his exit was a bit, uhhh, smoother than mine was.

During our colleague overlap, when he was in town for work, we’d periodically do these “Wine Chat” nights and discuss all manner of bullshit, including “bringing your authentic self to work.” One of the more interesting things I ever wrote (IMHO), about the bystander effect in organizations, is based on a convo Vadim and I had.

This is about a 35-minute discussion — I left out some gossip parts and some parts about a penis necklace — mostly on authenticity, work-life balance, imposter syndrome, feedback, and more. Pick your preferred audio player here, or listen right here:

Ted Bauer