Hot takes on innovation and the poor?



Ted Bauer

One Comment

  1. Ahh Slogans. In a modern world is anything truly inaccessible ? Yes for some but only as a matter of being released in deliberately such a manner. If a thing is radical (maybe even revolutionary) why would it be made so ? There is certainly a difficulty with anything radical (or revolutionary) in gaining traction and therefore the offer of the thing might have to be more restricted in the range of the offer simply as it butts up against commercial realities (I think they are ever present in some form) – but is that truly exclusionary and inaccessible ? Barriers certainly, but not an Iron Curtain. Finally as with anything radical (or even revolutionary) what support does it enjoy from the Poor (how are you defining them ?) who tend (note : tend) to be conservative by nature and typically unwilling initial supporters of anything radical or revolutionary unless in dire straits (and in which case is the proposition commercial ?). Perhaps the inaccessibility here is assumed to be monetary when it isn’t …

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