So, what makes you a bigot?

Ted Bauer


  1. Its a brave posting and I like that. I think we need more than one word for Loyalty it needs some nuanced sub divisions. There is Loyalty given because of history with a person or organisation – but typically (of an organisation) because of individual level interactions – gained loyalty if you like.

    And [unthinking] Loyalty because the person or organisation in some way is felt to reflect or advance your values at National or Religious level downward. This is a self protective response under cover of perceived threat of change.

    It is interesting that there is now some sense of a Global level identification cross cutting what have been to date the typically largest scale organisations (above) for something more amorphous connected with Climate Change (and of course the backlash from those who fear change who are more comfortable in denial of change as a possibility who find common cause in opposition)

  2. I am wondering which studies you used for this claim. (I’m not disputing, I just like to look at the data)

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