It’s somewhat of a shame that Rob Ford’s end of days are approaching

I’m not a very big fan of crack (nor should anyone be). I’ve never touched the stuff myself, nor would I have any real inclination to, especially since it’s the face of urban blight. I especially since it’s bad when public… Continue Reading

What exactly happened in Tiananmen Square?

This is going to be a hard one to figure out, because the censors are swooping in, but to recap, a Jeep plowed into the area and killed five (injured 38) in the process. It’s believed that the suspects are… Continue Reading


Mike Enzi vs. Liz Cheney could be the highlight of the 2014 election cycle

2014, politically, will likely be remembered for whatever happens in the mid-terms regarding the context of Congressional composition. Is someone going to make a big move towards 2016? Is the GOP going to become the party of Ted Cruz, etc?… Continue Reading