The Performative Era

“We’re Listening.” But, uh, are you? Continue Reading

It’s never about the intended narrative. It’s about the narrative people will create from their beliefs.

Narratives don’t get life until beliefs come into play. Continue Reading

Wouldn’t “parenting” be able to overcome “Critical Race Theory?”

Being a primary caregiver > being a teacher struggling to keep it all together. Continue Reading

“Ban politics at work!” But what would that even look like?

How necessary is this discussion, even? Continue Reading

Intolerance for debate vs. intolerance for truth

We’re chasing a fulcrum at work and politically. What’s next? Continue Reading

A lot of the stuff we call “unprecedented” has, well, happened before

We inflate what’s happening around us to make it seem more important and OMG, but hasn’t it all happened before? Continue Reading

Do “calls for unity” work, at home or at work?

Does it mean “go along with what I say because I now have more power,” or is it real? Continue Reading

Do we think stuff like the U.S. Capitol riots should be discussed at work?

There’s a big difference here between “organic” and “mandated.” Continue Reading