Do we think stuff like the U.S. Capitol riots should be discussed at work?

There’s a big difference here between “organic” and “mandated.” Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 73: Are we all bigger douchebags now?

Are we now more aggressive and generally douchebag-y because of politics, partisan nonsense, and the culture wars? Perhaps. Continue Reading

Loneliness and the rise of the partisan fringe

We often look at fringe groups and think “Gah, they’re crazy!” That’s potentially true. What if they are just lonely and seeking? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 33: What’s right? What’s moral? Plus: men in therapy and Texas girls.

A far-reaching conversation on friendship, Texas gals, partisanship, the knowledge economy, losing your mom, finding religion, and more. Continue Reading

Why political polarization in America is unique

Political Polarization

Three main issues here, and they played out big in 2016 (and shall continue to do so!). Continue Reading