Loneliness and the rise of the partisan fringe

We often look at fringe groups and think “Gah, they’re crazy!” That’s potentially true. What if they are just lonely and seeking? Continue Reading

Is Silicon Valley’s run going to end shortly? Will they get #piped?

Could Silicon Valley 2020 be heading the way of early-1980s Detroit? It doesn’t seem likely, but signs are there. Nothing lasts forever. Continue Reading

The “Yea, it’s good enough” Economy

Are we in a race to the bottom of quality because all the platforms we use regularly have too many options? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 63: Friends after you move, Midwest vs. everyone, Platinum Rule

When you move for a job after 30, how do you make friends in the new city? Plus: The Platinum Rule vs. The Golden Rule. Continue Reading

Nordstrom: full-line store sales down 1.2%, but Nordstrom.com up 22%. A new trend?

Cool article on Forbes about Nordstrom’s evolving strategy in retail; consider this paragraph especially: It is very important to understand the customer’s need to find time to shop.  Nordstrom gets this.  Consumers, especially young working people, are less and less interested in… Continue Reading

Satya Nadella and Microsoft just hit one of the all-time corporate pivot moments

Remember back in about 1996, when there were all sorts of pre-Internet memes about how, if Bill Gates stumbled across a $20 on the street, it actually wasn’t worth his time to bend over and pick it up? Everyone thought they… Continue Reading

Amazon vs. Netflix is getting more and more interesting

Just learned this today: Amazon has an entire landing page for “not on Netflix.” A shot across the bow? Perhaps. It’s kind of interesting broadly, though: five-six years ago, you would maybe kinda view Amazon and Netflix as business rivals — Netflix primarily… Continue Reading

The world got impatient; one second of slower load time can cost Amazon $1.6 billion across a year

There are some statistics you run across in the course of consuming information that just straight up blow your mind. Here’s one example: The most staggering statistic in @VaclavSmil’s new book: http://t.co/2N6cpXQsJ5 pic.twitter.com/QPcBscSLXj — Bill Gates (@BillGates) June 13, 2014… Continue Reading