The Performative Era

“We’re Listening.” But, uh, are you? Continue Reading

The “chase woke, go broke” era

Corporations can help social justice movements in two key ways — and no, not the ways you’re thinking of. Continue Reading

The emotional dichotomy around diversity and inclusion

“Nice to have” vs. “Need to have,” along the prism of emotional labor. Continue Reading


Diversity initiatives are a carnival ride of nothingness

Round and round we go. Continue Reading

Do we think Gartner understands social desirability bias?

What do execs really care about vs. what do they say on surveys? Continue Reading

Are you doing the work, or cultivating your own personal brand? Hopefully both, fam.

Do you want black squares, or do you want progress in an apex predator company? Continue Reading


The modern moment: “You have no dignity.” “Um, you’ve never met or spoken to me.”

Someone told me in a Twitter thread last night that I “lack dignity.” The person and I have never met or spoken. Is this modern comms? Continue Reading


Woke-As-A-Service (WaaS): “What color is your heart today?” This is what business has become?

We spend too much time these days chasing woke instead of chasing KPIs. And while I think KPIs had gotten to be too much, so has woke now. Continue Reading