Mental health issues are a FEATURE of society, not a BUG

Society is tough to navigate right now. Continue Reading

Stop spending on wellness initiatives and make my job more secure?

Job security and steady income helps with our health. Continue Reading

Managers often confuse “burnout” with “the cost of growing a biz”

Emotional burnout

“Damn, Judy looks tired” is a logical response. An exec? “Damn, Judy is grinding like a fiend this quarter!” Continue Reading

Do we think Gartner understands social desirability bias?

What do execs really care about vs. what do they say on surveys? Continue Reading

Our COVID mental health reckoning … or not?

The prevailing idea about “post-COVID” is that we’d see a big mental health decline, but that’s something with more nuance than we realize. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 30: “How’s the crazy?”

Work has never been the most “woke” place when it comes to mental health issues, and that’s largely the focus of this podcast episode. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 24: On male anxiety and depression

Male anxiety probably needs to be discussed a little bit more than it currently is. So, here’s 31 minutes where it does come up. Continue Reading


Will we ever get “woke” about workplace mental health issues?

One of the big problems is that concepts most of us think of us “mental health,” execs think of as “how work gets done.” Continue Reading