“We live in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what’s important about life.”

Depression and anxiety come from how we think we’re supposed to live vs. how we really should. Continue Reading


“Diversity as the signature of our democracy” and, er, white male backlash

“White male rage.” Continue Reading

The “chase woke, go broke” era

Corporations can help social justice movements in two key ways — and no, not the ways you’re thinking of. Continue Reading


Senior Management 101: The distraction strategy

Kick the can. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 36: “Nobody’s f*cking equal!”

The myth of team diversity

How equal are we, really? And if we’re not that equal, what does that mean for both raising kids and HR best practices? A conversation. Continue Reading


The last thing HR needs is more buzzwords. Hello, “belonging.”

Often, the problem with D&I initiatives is that we create a lot of buzzwords and jargon, and executives don’t “get” it, so they eventually ignore it. Continue Reading

Diversity and inclusion and … belonging?

A trio to help with psychological safety. Continue Reading