In appreciation of Jamie Foxx

Let me start with this: when I sat down to write this, news broke in the U.S. that Nelson Mandela passed away. I’m on an e-mail thread with some of my best guy friends, and we had a quick exchange… Continue Reading


If you want your sitcom to get cancelled, put Liza Lapira on it (she’s good on the drama side, though)

I watched Don’t Trust The B in Apartment 23, which I believe should actually be written Don’t Trust The B—- In Apartment 23, when it was on. I didn’t watch it religiously or anything; I caught maybe 2-3 episodes every month and… Continue Reading


Lena Dunham be damned, because the ‘guys’ of ‘Girls’ are pretty interesting too

The trailer for Season 3 of Girls (which comes back January 12th) is on YouTube today / embedded above, and cultural responses have rolled in from all corners of the Internet: for example, The Wire — which used to be called The Atlantic Wire, but… Continue Reading

The world of infomercials is insanely interesting

I had insomnia for a while as a kid, so I spent some time watching infomercials. I didn’t really think about it a lot, but once in a while in my 20s I’d check out a few on YouTube, just… Continue Reading

Chris Pratt has come a long way from selling coupons, being on Everwood

Pratt killed it in Moneyball, is an anchor of Parks and Recreation, went serious (and got yoked) for Zero Dark Thirty, just wrapped Guardians of the Galaxy, has a baby, and might be starring in June 2015’s Jurassic World. As you logically guessed, that’s the next film in the Jurassic franchise;… Continue Reading


Honestly, “Trophy Wife” isn’t a bad show, and maybe we have David Mamet to thank

Last night’s episode, “Lice and Beary White,” which featured a high school production of Hair and lessons about King Solomon, even scored a B at the A.V. Club. One of the commenters even went so far as to say, “I think I’m the… Continue Reading

Let’s talk about The Michael J. Fox show for a second (and broader problems with NBC)

NBC Thursday nights used to be the thing — now it’s kind of a train wreck. They had a show called Welcome to the Family, with people you might remember from Yes, Dear and Desperate Housewives and West Wing; they cancelled it. The Michael J. Fox Show has some seminal… Continue Reading