BabyLand is a gated community in more ways than one

The game changes for people when they have kids and some of their friends don’t. But how, and can the situation be any better? Continue Reading


Why can’t everyone hear from the end users, eh?

A lot of “knowledge jobs” see you toil in obscurity and have no idea who is using the product, or how. Could we maybe fix that? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 66: Is college still valuable?

We know costs of higher education keep rising. We know debt makes it harder for people to have a life right out of school. Is the whole deal worth it? Continue Reading

Do we think the world is getting better or worse?

The world (or at least America) can feel like it’s collapsing with COVID and schools and polarization. But what about the whole world? Continue Reading

“Knowledge work” during COVID: Are we virtue-signaling and lying?

Are we really working more, or are we working more on our lives and claiming we work more to avoid another layoff wave? Continue Reading