So, the Seattle Seahawks could become a dynasty, right?

The Super Bowl was terrible last year — phrased another way, the Seahawks are really good. The last time any NFL team won back-to-back Super Bowls was 2003-2004 (the Patriots). Begs the question, obviously: can the Seahawks do that, and can they… Continue Reading


If River Phoenix had never died, would Leonardo DiCaprio’s career be the same?

An interesting idea: what if River becomes Jack in Titanic? Continue Reading

The social psychology of Las Vegas is incredible, if you think about it.

I was just in Las Vegas for about eight days. I’d classify Vegas as — at best — a 72-hour city, so eight days was a lot. I was a mix of sober, drunk, exhausted, over-worked, experiencing leg pain, getting lost on… Continue Reading

No one seems to want to attend Tampa Bay Buccaneers games

The last time the Bucs won a playoff game, it was their Super Bowl win — back in 2002. That might be correlated with this: in 2013, they were 29th in the NFL in home attendance; in 2012, they were… Continue Reading

Kaley Cuoco is now officially a superstar

$1 million/episode, Kevin Hart movies, Priceline gigs, etc… she’s coming for you, Vergara. Continue Reading

This headline might be 22% more effective than yours

Quickly, from the Buffer blog: back in late May, they ran two variants of the same headline on their blog. Here’s Headline A: “The Simple Test That Increased Our Referrals.” Here’s Headline B: “The Simple Test That Increased Our Referrals… Continue Reading

Brief thought exercise: what songs MUST you play at a wedding reception?

Little bit softer now … and a little bit softer now … Continue Reading

Here are some of the best lines from the Joe Biden New Yorker profile

I just read this on a plane from BOS to DFW. I laughed out loud about six times; when the plane landed, the guy across the aisle from me was like, “Hey, I have to ask … what could possibly… Continue Reading