Annapolis, Maryland has seen a 925 percent increase in ‘nuisance flood days’ since the 1960s

There’s a lot of stories recently about what climate change will ultimately do to coastal cities — in The New Yorker recently, there was kind of a humor piece about how sharks might be swimming up to the second floor… Continue Reading

It’s currently end of days in Siberia and the Zhejiang province of China, apparently

Overnight, a waterway in China turned a blood red color — shades of a little Ghostbusters II action, perhaps — and we’re up to two (as opposed to one) deep craters in Siberia, in a place locals had already called… Continue Reading

If everyone in America stopped eating beef tomorrow and started eating chicken, it’d be like taking 26 million cars off the road

Check out the chart above, via here. It compares the greenhouse gas emissions linked with the production of beef and chicken. As you can see, chicken is a lot less — in fact, it’s about four times less. If you were… Continue Reading

Kiribati, an island of 100K in the South Pacific, just banned commercial fishing. That seems like a big step.

Here’s the article, and here’s the money quote: “If you think of the ocean as a bank account in which everybody withdraws but nobody makes a deposit, then protected marine reserves are like savings accounts that produce interest,” Sala told… Continue Reading

North Carolina is about to be the tipping point for the fracking debate in America

Get this: North Carolina lawmakers have softened a controversial bill that would have made it a felony to disclose the chemicals used in fracking. Under the version of the law that passed the state legislature on Thursday, the offense has been knocked down to a misdemeanor. But legal… Continue Reading


Is Kemper County, Mississippi going to be the future of the climate change battle?

You may have heard about the Kemper County (MS) power plant — here’s the Wiki for it, for good measure — as it could be a major step forward in the climate change battle. Here’s the basic situation: the plant converts coal into… Continue Reading

Climate change will soon be arriving at your breakfast table, and General Mills might start fading as a company around 2035

Quick, semi-humorous story before we get into this: last October, General Mills came to my graduate school to recruit. They had set up interviews on a Thursday, and conducted probably 10-12 that day. It just so happened that the same… Continue Reading

The Templeton Rye Pork Project is about making your bacon taste like whiskey. Good idea, or awful execution of science?

Here’s the deal. You can essentially request a pig that will taste like whiskey because of a process whereby they eat the dry distillery grain during the raising process. It’s all overseen by Nick Berry from Iowa State University and only features 25 pigs. Via… Continue Reading