David Lobell and what we’re eating in 20 years

David Lobell

It’s pretty fashionable to rail against the current food production system in the world, but it turns out there are agricultural data scientists out there — guys that work with Google on data sets and get Genius Grants and teach… Continue Reading

Your kids may be eating sand in their pizza at school

From Mother Jones and their visit to a school lunch conference: While the exhibitors were eager to show off their products’ nutritional stats, few offered actual ingredients lists. When I asked the rep at the Uno pizza booth why ingredients weren’t included… Continue Reading

If everyone in America stopped eating beef tomorrow and started eating chicken, it’d be like taking 26 million cars off the road

Check out the chart above, via here. It compares the greenhouse gas emissions linked with the production of beef and chicken. As you can see, chicken is a lot less — in fact, it’s about four times less. If you were… Continue Reading

Sprouts, a grocery chain out of Phoenix, is changing the way you walk through a supermarket

Via Quartz, consider this. This is typically how a supermarket is laid out in the United States: But this layout below belongs to Sprouts Farmers Market supermarkets, which are currently mostly in the Southwest: See the difference? Typically when you enter… Continue Reading

Climate change will soon be arriving at your breakfast table, and General Mills might start fading as a company around 2035

Quick, semi-humorous story before we get into this: last October, General Mills came to my graduate school to recruit. They had set up interviews on a Thursday, and conducted probably 10-12 that day. It just so happened that the same… Continue Reading

The Templeton Rye Pork Project is about making your bacon taste like whiskey. Good idea, or awful execution of science?

Here’s the deal. You can essentially request a pig that will taste like whiskey because of a process whereby they eat the dry distillery grain during the raising process. It’s all overseen by Nick Berry from Iowa State University and only features 25 pigs. Via… Continue Reading


Oh goddamn, Whole Paycheck — er, Whole Foods — is in trouble and may be lowering prices

I had this MBA Strategy class last fall. It was supposed to meet 12-14 times; the professor was sick three times and one time, I’m pretty sure he didn’t show up. So we met about 10 times, and I swear… Continue Reading

DC, Colorado, Ohio, Minnesota and Maryland have the most Chipotle restaurants per capita. Something about that seems odd.

I unabashedly love Chipotle, despite the fact (EDIT: because of the fact…) that I’m a white male raised middle-class in a major urban center. They have good food, it seems fresh, it comes pretty quickly, and they have cool marketing campaigns. Investors… Continue Reading