Here’s a pretty legitimate United States cost of living map (Honolulu, New York and San Jose are expensive)

From an article on CityLab about how cost-of-living really mostly means cost-of-your-rent: This is based on RPP, or Regional Price Parity. That’s a weighted statistic that tracks the different price levels of things like food, housing, etc. The data above is based… Continue Reading

The average parking space requires about the same amount of space as a studio apartment in New York City. Can Paris’ idea buck this trend?

The United States spent about a century getting to the point where cars — and the ability to put cars somewhere near attractions — were more valuable than people themselves. Now it might need to spend about 50 years trying… Continue Reading

Some contextual thoughts on driving down the I-35 corridor

I grew up in New York City; until I did Teach for America down in Houston in 2003 (the year I graduated from college, also on the east coast), I had basically never left the I-95 corridor. I-95 is its own… Continue Reading


Could the Vancouver bus system be the key to finally ramping up the timeline on urban transportation projects?

Of the myriad things that don’t make sense in life, here’s one that strikes some people from time-to-time. Because of the culture and context aligned in an industry like tech, you can get a brand-new iPhone app in about three… Continue Reading


Here are 10 things you should know before moving to Minneapolis

Photo credit on this post goes to here, with their full Minneapolis page of photos located here. If you like this post, feel free to share it with your friends. Share buttons are at the bottom of the post.   … Continue Reading

Maybe the re-rise of the Rust Belt could come on the backs of designers

Check out the map above; it’s all the designers in America, both self-employed and firm-employed, and across a wide spectrum of types of design (architecture, graphic design, etc.) It’s from an article by the great Richard Florida at CityLab that looks… Continue Reading

In New Orleans, the city is growing about four times faster than the ‘burbs

Sprawl’s a big issue — one with ties to politics — so when new research comes out around it, it’s always interesting. Here’s some new stuff about areas where cities are growing faster than suburbs; overall, in 19 of the… Continue Reading


Brief thought exercise: could modern-day San Francisco someday go the way of Detroit?

This isn’t going to be the most informed post of all-time; it’s mostly just a set of potentials and theories. Still, I think it’s interesting to consider. Start here: you can make an argument that, in the pre-war period and… Continue Reading