A six-year tale of drunkenness, failure, resilience, woe, and life

A reflection on six years in Texas through drinking, failure, resilience, bounce-back, relationships, urine, life lessons, and more. Continue Reading


The Blunder Years, Episode 47: Relationships and weddings post-divorce, rose-colored glasses, societal pressures

When you attend your first wedding after you yourself have been divorced, how do you feel? Can you still believe in what you’re seeing? Continue Reading


The “when” to “if” problem

A profound psychological shift for many people is the assumptive moment of “when” becoming the distant possibility moment of “if.” Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 31: Forgiveness, selfishness, apathy, blended families, and more

A 34-or-so minutes conversation on marriage, divorce, forgiveness, relationships, humility, empathy, and new leaders. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 17: Listening vs. fixing in relationships and getting tapped out

You’re in a relationship. Your partner comes home. Vents about the day. Should you listen, or attempt to FIX? Heady questions. Continue Reading


The Blunder Years, Episode 4: From gun in mouth to human growth

At some point in late 2016, Sid Clevinger had a gun in his mouth and had lost $150,000. Now he’s doing much better. Here’s the journey. Continue Reading

Blunder Years, Episode 2: Miscarriages, motherhood, long-term sexuality

An episode with thoughts into miscarriages, the role of social media in our world, sex as a habit, the weird work and personal lines that we draw around ourselves, and the big difference between how we grow up and how we’re expected to move through adulthood. Continue Reading

Podcast coming in a few weeks: “The Blunder Years”

Coming soon. Continue Reading