Mikhail Kalashnikov, creator of AK-47, dies; ironically, the greatest asset of the weapon might be longevity

Truth: the gun has played an incredibly important role in history. Truth: the AK-47 is, essentially, the most popular small arms weapon in world history. And a third truth: Mikhail Kalashnikov, the creator of said gun, passed away recently at… Continue Reading

Is there any innovation in the snow removal world?

Right now, snow is falling from the Rocky Mountains to the Northern Plains; northern Minnesota has up to 26 inches, and metro Denver could have 15 by tonight. I was walking around the Minneapolis area earlier today — fell on… Continue Reading


Poland, a country with basically 200 years of tragic history, is now Europe’s most vibrant economy

Consider this: only 20 years ago, the Russian army still had troops in Poland. Democracy in Poland didn’t even start to gain steam as an idea until June of 1989, and that followed a long period where many economic observers… Continue Reading


What exactly is geoengineering?

I was looking around for something to write about for the initial post on this new blog concept. I thought about tackling ObamaCare, because I don’t completely understand it (despite the fact that I worked with a health care company… Continue Reading