When’s the best time to book travel? Depends on the continent: 53 days out for Europe, 162 days out for South America, etc.

That’s a chart based on Kayak — the travel website — analyzing millions of fare searches and ultimate purchases. It shows the best time to book travel from the United States to the continents described in the chart: so, for example, your best bet… Continue Reading


Radisson Red is going to be a hotel brand for millennials, and OH GOD THIS NARRATIVE IS NOW STARTING. Are the Baby Boomers dying off yet?

Radisson’s parent company is Carlson, which is based in Minnetonka, Minnesota — which is about 12-15 miles from where I’m typing this — so that means this conversation happened in Minnetonka sometime in the past two-three months. UW-Wisconsin MBA graduate: The… Continue Reading

What might the airport of the future look like?

The process of going through an airport hasn’t changed much with the advent of new technology (it’s obviously changed a good deal since 9/11, but that’s a different story). If you’re flying VIP, there might be a couple of interesting/different… Continue Reading