If you like beer, get yourself to Guangzhou, China

Americans lose their shit over cheap beer prices. If you ever meet someone from western New York state, they will — not a question of if, a question of when — tell you about Genny Cream Ale and how it’s something like… Continue Reading

It might be time for smart street lights like Tvilight. We’ll save money and things will remain beautiful.

You can read all about Tvilight at the Smithsonian’s website, but essentially the idea is simple: we have smart phones and we’re developing smart houses and smart umbrellas, so why not smart street lights? Tvilight’s lights will dim when no one is… Continue Reading


The Milken Best Performing Cities list tells us to move west of the Mississippi and/or embrace Columbia, Missouri

The Milken Institute released its annual Best Performing Cities list this week. Here’s the methodology, and here’s the list of “best large cities” and “best small cities.” There are a bunch of cool features, including the ability to compare different cities,… Continue Reading


Why is successful public transportation seemingly so hard to develop, and should we all be learning from Salt Lake City?

A little over a year ago, I was applying to graduate school. I’ve lived in Houston for something like 10 percent of my life, which is odd, but other than that it had been all Northeast. I wanted to do… Continue Reading