Brief thought exercise: if Vietnam had never happened, would LBJ be considered one of the best Presidents of all-time?

That piece above aired on CBS Sunday Morning last week — it’s kind of half a profile of Bryan Cranston, post-Breaking Bad, playing LBJ and kind of half a profile of LBJ himself. At the end (the very end), there’s an interesting… Continue Reading


If you like beer, get yourself to Guangzhou, China

Americans lose their shit over cheap beer prices. If you ever meet someone from western New York state, they will — not a question of if, a question of when — tell you about Genny Cream Ale and how it’s something like… Continue Reading

Mikhail Kalashnikov, creator of AK-47, dies; ironically, the greatest asset of the weapon might be longevity

Truth: the gun has played an incredibly important role in history. Truth: the AK-47 is, essentially, the most popular small arms weapon in world history. And a third truth: Mikhail Kalashnikov, the creator of said gun, passed away recently at… Continue Reading


So grade inflation is probably up. What does that mean?

Lot of stories about grade inflation recently — see here, here and here — so I’ll add one too. Last year, I took a graduate-level business course (the topic of the specific class was mostly micro-economics). The professor used three… Continue Reading