Final Sandy Hook report, sadly, probably only intensifies the conspiracy angle via custodian Rick Thorne

Before I get too deep into this, let me just say that I don’t think, in any way, shape or form, that Sandy Hook was a conspiracy, a hoax, or a false flag. I wrote about this before on this… Continue Reading

Mikhail Kalashnikov, creator of AK-47, dies; ironically, the greatest asset of the weapon might be longevity

Truth: the gun has played an incredibly important role in history. Truth: the AK-47 is, essentially, the most popular small arms weapon in world history. And a third truth: Mikhail Kalashnikov, the creator of said gun, passed away recently at… Continue Reading


Think it’s not possible to get executed in broad daylight in America’s biggest city? Meet Brandon Lincoln Woodard.

It’s been a year since one of the most brazen things you’ll ever see: a man executed in broad daylight in a busy area of the biggest city in America. His name was Brandon Lincoln Woodard, and there’s a high… Continue Reading


Newtown was a year ago and, on the gun front, nothing’s really happened. Is it mostly just politics?

There’s absolutely no way to process Newtown. Anyone who claims there is, or tries to assign some kind of idea or causation to it, is wrong. There is no clear motive. Here’s a list of things that were blamed aside from… Continue Reading

So, Walter White may have been in North Korea as opposed to Albuquerque

$60K per kilogram, from North Korea to NYC. The total haul was 100 kilograms, and the root of it is sketchy — North Korea purportedly burned all their meth labs, but are still producing and the new levels are extremely pure, Heisenberg-level -ish… Continue Reading