The Blunder Years, Episode 68: RBG and the ridiculous views on women at work

There are more S&P 1500 CEOs named “John” or “David” than women in total. That seems pretty messy. What can we learn from RBG amid all this? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 67: How life changes from 28 to 35

When do people get married? Have kids? Get divorced? Move for work? Lose parents? What’s the data on life milestones? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 66: Is college still valuable?

We know costs of higher education keep rising. We know debt makes it harder for people to have a life right out of school. Is the whole deal worth it? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 65: The peril and promise of turning 40

I turn 40 on 11/7/20. My friend Diana turned 40 in August. So, we talked about the past decade and what she expects from the new one. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 64: COVID schools and old dudes on Facebook

A wide-ranging discussion on what a “libertarian” is, old white dudes on Facebook, teachers, COVID schools, Elon Musk, and decision-making in your 20s. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 63: Friends after you move, Midwest vs. everyone, Platinum Rule

When you move for a job after 30, how do you make friends in the new city? Plus: The Platinum Rule vs. The Golden Rule. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 62: Homeschooling before it was cool, weightlifting, and death planets

A convo with an automated tester in St. Louis about hustling, lifting, parenting, and planetary politics during the pandemic. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 61: Becoming a new dad during the pandemic

What’s it like to have your first kid in the middle of a global pandemic, and what does it do to the first few weeks of said life? Continue Reading