Here’s a good decline of civilization stat

If you like this post, feel free to share it. Someday I will move the social share buttons to the top, I swear. (It’s good to admit your failings now and again.) If you like some of my thoughts on… Continue Reading


Does business journalism really have value?

Harvard Business Review

In short answer, yes: Fast Company was sold for $35 million back in 2005, for example. Inherently, there’s value in the field of reporting on business, leadership, management, etc. Here’s what got me thinking about all this, though. 

Adam McKay (Will Ferrell’s boy) and Brad Pitt are teaming up for a Michael Lewis financial crisis movie. Wait, what?

Remember Michael Lewis’ book The Big Short? It’s about the financial crash — here’s an excerpt — and received, as most Michael Lewis things do, positive reviews. (Insane thing No. 1 about Michael Lewis: how did he bag Tabitha Soren? Insane thing… Continue Reading