Does Cory Gardner running for Senate in Colorado mean the Tea Party is fading and the GOP is poised for a renaissance?

Cory Gardner is considered a rising star in the GOP, and a few days ago, he announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate at a lumber yard. He’ll challenge Mark Udall, who has been a Senator since 2009 (but is the son… Continue Reading

The coronation of Marco Rubio, Chris Christie or (whoever) will happen in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Denver, Dallas, Kansas City, Las Vegas or Phoenix

The 2012 GOP Convention in Tampa was a straight-up mess from a traffic standpoint (and a Clint Eastwood standpoint, and a Mitt Romney standpoint…) and the hotel and buses situation wasn’t ideal for GOP operatives and the thousands of others who… Continue Reading


The GOP spends too much time talking about “culture,” which is an amorphous blob of a term

The GOP’s definitely got some issues — for example, the electoral map isn’t very favorable to them. They thought someone like Christie or Walker or Rubio was a potential big bet for ’16, and now their best option might be a… Continue Reading


Niger Innis, in bed with ExxonMobil and running for Congress in Nevada, is a story to watch

Niger Innis is running for Congress in Nevada on the tea party side of the GOP nomination process; ultimately, he’d face Steven Horsford in a general election (if he gets that far). This is for the Nevada 4th District, a new… Continue Reading


“So what do you think you say in a concession speech?” The Mitt Romney profile is now on Netflix

It premiered at Sundance and goes on Netflix Streaming today. It’s by Gregg Whiteley, a Mormon himself, who previously worked on films such as Resolved and New York Doll. Apparently Mitt Romney himself wanted nothing to do with the film, but Ann (wife)… Continue Reading


Three years from today, we’ll inaugurate a new U.S. President. Chris Christie looks bad right now. Hilary Clinton looks good. What else do we know?

Interesting moment in U.S. history today: it’s been five years since Obama was inaugurated, and in three years (from today), someone else will be. Chris Christie looks bad at this moment, and Hilary Clinton looks OK — she just got… Continue Reading


Political polarization explained via Gallup: the Democratic Party in America has become more liberal over time

One of the biggest things we’ve been hearing about in American politics for the past 18-24 months is the increasing polarization and partisan breakdown of how things function. It all seems pretty logical, but now, via a new Gallup study… Continue Reading


How big a deal are the Koch Brothers and their dark money?

A couple of days ago in The Washington Post, they ran an article about the Koch Brothers’ impact on the 2012 elections. In short, it was about $400 million through various “dark money” groups that they work with (one of the… Continue Reading