Incubators probably don’t actually work that well

Maybe incubators don't really work

In our grand race to deify the Bay Area culture while ignoring the fact that modern-day San Francisco may someday go the way of Detroit (and simultaneously ignoring the fact that Steve Jobs himself predicted the demise of the tech industry), we… Continue Reading

Here’s something that could kill the tech industry

Steve Jobs 1995 Wired

We know two things somewhat conclusively in this argument: There are many people who believe San Francisco will someday become what Detroit has become (and is recovering from). 89 percent of the initial Fortune 500 doesn’t exist anymore. To quote Varsity Blues: “Things… Continue Reading


Brief thought exercise: could modern-day San Francisco someday go the way of Detroit?

This isn’t going to be the most informed post of all-time; it’s mostly just a set of potentials and theories. Still, I think it’s interesting to consider. Start here: you can make an argument that, in the pre-war period and… Continue Reading

Mark Dantonio may be the man to save us all from Urban Meyer

Look at the history of Michigan State football, and as ye gaze uponst it, remember this: the program is situated, geographically, adjacent to three of the most storied programs in college football history (Michigan, Ohio State, and Notre Dame). From… Continue Reading


Mike Duggan might be an interesting politician to follow

Mike Duggan became Mayor of Detroit last night with over 55 percent of the vote, becoming Detroit’s first white Mayor since 1974. It was a wild ride for Duggan — he got kicked off the primary ballot and had to run… Continue Reading