The Blunder Years, Episode 60: Dance moms, low ponies, and the future of recruiting

Competitive motherhood, and whether the recruitment function should continue to reside in HR. (Hint: probably not.) Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 59: What is diversity, even?

A discussion on people moving to Colorado, the definition of “diversity,” the “Note Police” at work, and finding true strategy. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 58: “A lot of people inside companies know the execs are full of shit”

Is the “clarion call” of successful adulthood knowing how to be honest with yourself, your co-workers, your family, and your friends? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 57: The Etsy of career coaching

At a time when mentorship and traditional management both seem to be in decline, what can we do about career arcs? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 56: So, do generations hate each other?

Does every generation seem to believe that future generations “don’t get it” and will “screw it all up?” Plus: the decline and rise of listening. Continue Reading

Sheesh, can’t people just have conversations anymore? WTF?

People still have discussions, and it’s not just keyboard muscles. Life persists, and dialogue does too. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 55: Friendships, housing prices, co-workers, and #BillsMafia

When you leave a job, are those people still your friends? Or just former co-workers? Plus: the Bills, housing prices, and much more. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 54: The Gram and fatherhood

There’s almost too much stuff in this discussion to summarize, but IG, five-year plans, fatherhood, and Minneapolis might start it up. Continue Reading