Here’s President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union word cloud

SOTU Word Cloud 2015

Here are the word clouds for the third State of the Union of every President since Roosevelt — i.e. the penultimate ones — and below (in large format, as well as to the side here in smaller format) is President… Continue Reading


Your birth year and your political alignment are correlated

Birth Year Political Alignment

Was talking with my friend on the phone on Sunday and we were discussing the possibility of doing some type of podcast, or video podcast, or some other endeavor/initiative in 2015. This particular friend has a ton of different ideas… Continue Reading


By 2050, minorities will be the majority

Minorities Outnumbering Whites In U..S.

Back-to-school 2014 was the first time in U.S. history that more minorities than whites were in public schools. That’s somewhat of an epoch moment, especially for those who believe “America” is for “Americans” — which ignores the entire narrative that the… Continue Reading

Just fucking legalize marijuana already, OK?

Marijuana Legalization

Let’s start with a basic fact: I’ve smoked pot. A lot of people that meet me probably assume I still smoke pot, which isn’t accurate (I mean, there are weddings here and there where things happen, but let’s not get too… Continue Reading

Gary Peters of Michigan bucked the Koch Brothers trend in 2014

Gary Peters

This is kind of a cool anecdote in terms of 2014 postmortems: the general storyline was that Republicans won, Obama lost, Tom Steyer spent a lot of money and got very little return, and — two years after spending a… Continue Reading


Midterm elections are mostly pointless

Midterm Elections

I enjoy politics as a spectator sport, just like any other almost-34-year-old who periodically reads long-form articles in publications trying to recapture their mojo. I’ll look at results today for Michaud-LePage (Maine Governor), Elise Stefanik and her 30 year-old self… Continue Reading


Young, cute, Harvard-educated, Republican? Elise Stefanik could be the future.

Elise Stefanik

The youngest person ever elected to the U.S. House of Representatives happened back in 1973, when Elizabeth Holtzman won at age 31. Tomorrow, Elise Stefanik should win at age 30, breaking a forty-year old record in the process. In addition to… Continue Reading

There are more states under single-party control now than at any time since WW2

GOP State Control

When you speak of “single-party control” in state politics, you mean both houses of state government (House/Senate) and the Governor’s office. Just before the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans had nine such states. Today, they have 23. Via Mother Jones, they… Continue Reading