Vogue has 146 more ad pages for September’s issue than its next highest competitor

631 ad pages for Vogue in the September issue, which is regularly used to gauge the health of fashion / luxury / lifestyle publications. The next highest number of ad pages in that space? InStyle, with 485. That’s a difference… Continue Reading

The Alabama-Auburn trolling has really hit a fever pitch

There are 37 days until college football is back, which is exciting. Although far more people get excited by the eventual return of the NFL, I personally think college football is the greatest thing on the American sporting landscape. I’m… Continue Reading

Brief thought exercise: does it really matter how many Twitter followers you have?

I used to work with this kid back in the day; almost three or four times a workday, he would tell someone (or speak to himself out loud, which I would classify as awkward but I do too) how many… Continue Reading

This Cor Pan Facebook post from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 is terrifying

You likely know the tragedy of Flight MH17 by now, but you may not know this story about Cor Pan, a Dutch man. Because he was flying on Malaysian Airlines — and remember, Flight 370 was only a few months… Continue Reading

Your kids may be eating sand in their pizza at school

From Mother Jones and their visit to a school lunch conference: While the exhibitors were eager to show off their products’ nutritional stats, few offered actual ingredients lists. When I asked the rep at the Uno pizza booth why ingredients weren’t included… Continue Reading

True test for soccer in the United States? Perhaps the International Champions Cup.

That was a really good World Cup, right? (Not to mention I was right about Messi and Neuer.) But now the WC is over, and Americans — who aren’t, by and by, “real” soccer fans — may revert back to… Continue Reading

Should Jibo the robot (and social robotics in general) terrify you, or is it a good step?

This is an interesting thing to think about: let’s say ‘The Internet of Things’ may be fully normative by 2030 or so. That means your house is all connected, and you can update everything via a smartphone, etc. People have been… Continue Reading

Some contextual thoughts on driving down the I-35 corridor

I grew up in New York City; until I did Teach for America down in Houston in 2003 (the year I graduated from college, also on the east coast), I had basically never left the I-95 corridor. I-95 is its own… Continue Reading