The end of trans fats could be a really good thing

This news just broke. Essentially, the FDA is taking steps to eliminate trans fats from food supply, claiming they are no longer “generally recognized as safe.” If this all works out, foods with partially-hydrogenated oils (the major dietary source of trans… Continue Reading


Is Scandinavia that great, or are there causes for concern?

Worldwide surveys consistently rank Scandinavia as one of the best places to live on Earth. Here’s one prominent example.  I’ve been obsessed with the area for a few years now; I have a background in education (was a teacher for a… Continue Reading


Secession is becoming more and more of a rallying cry in the U.S.

The above embed is from CBS Sunday Morning yesterday, and last week NPR tackled the topic as well. It’s predominantly an issue in Colorado and California at present, and the central reasoning is rural citizens believing that state governments are primarily beholden to… Continue Reading

What exactly is the deal with daylight savings time?

Yep, that happens this weekend. I can still remember my mom teaching me how to remember it: spring ahead, fall back. I got it, but I had no idea why, what the purpose was, what it could possibly accomplish, and I… Continue Reading


Is cutting food stamp rolls a good thing?

Roughly 47 million Americans are getting hit by the food stamp cuts that went into effect today, and the food stamp (SNAP) program could fall even more in coming months. The House and the Senate are haggling (surprise) over two versions… Continue Reading


El Chapo should probably be listed among the most powerful people in the world

Here is Forbes’ list of the 100 most powerful people in the world; the big news here is that Putin unseated Obama at No. 1. That shouldn’t really be big news: Russia is about to be at the forefront of… Continue Reading

On some of the craziest prison escapes of all-time

When I was growing up, I was a huge fan of Unsolved Mysteries — Robert Stack’s voice alone was absolutely terrifying — and frequently, that show would have prison escape stories. In fact, here’s a summary of one. So when news broke that… Continue Reading

The Heinz-McDonald’s breakup probably isn’t that big of a deal, and has more to do with Brazil

Breathlessly, The Huffington Post called it “the divorce of the century.” But in reality, McDonald’s and Heinz have been through this dance before — notably in 1973, when a tomato shortage caused Heinz to focus less on their bulk fast-food accounts. After that,… Continue Reading