Stop spending on wellness initiatives and make my job more secure?

Job security and steady income helps with our health. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 8: Nine beers in a day to a focus on health

What’s the difference for your immune system of one minute of laughter vs. one minute of anger? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 6: Five-year plans, North Stars, and Instagram likes

A little dialogue about five and 10-year plans, Instagram likes, sleep, North Stars, and children learning to play golf. Continue Reading

The USA apparently has poor well-being

Start here with the Gallup-Healthways Global Well-Being Index, then read this summary post on NPR. It’s all based on 146K interviews around five core areas: purpose, social, financial, community, and physical. This is a little bit — not a ton… Continue Reading

Where in the U.S. can you live eight years longer on average?

U.S. Areas With Longer Life Expectancy

From here: The key areas, then: Northeast Corridor/Philly Western coast of California Seattle Oregon/Washington border Southern Florida retirement areas Suburban Dallas and Houston Boulder/Denver, CO In those areas, it’s about eight years longer — which is almost a full decade… Continue Reading

1992-2006, mortality rates for women rose in 42.8% of U.S. counties. For men? 3.4% of counties.

White Women Mortality Rates Opioids

Think about this: for the most part, people are living longer — except, perhaps, African-American men in Mississippi — but yet, U.S. women aged 15 to 54 are dying at a very high rate. This Washington Post article, where I first came… Continue Reading


Want to live longer? Here are nine tips

9 Tips for Living Longer Blue Zones

I went to this Blue Zones event in Fort Worth yesterday for about an hour; if you’re unfamiliar with what “Blue Zones” is, well, here you go. The basic idea is that a National Geographic photographer had been all over the… Continue Reading

Demographic shifts: The population pyramid is over. What does that mean?

Population Pyramid

This is the first blog post I’ve written in about a week, because I was in Paris and London with my wife for the better part of the last seven days. (I’ll do a recap post on that a little… Continue Reading