The Blunder Years, Episode 8: Nine beers in a day to a focus on health

What’s the difference for your immune system of one minute of laughter vs. one minute of anger? Continue Reading

Where in the U.S. can you live eight years longer on average?

U.S. Areas With Longer Life Expectancy

From here: The key areas, then: Northeast Corridor/Philly Western coast of California Seattle Oregon/Washington border Southern Florida retirement areas Suburban Dallas and Houston Boulder/Denver, CO In those areas, it’s about eight years longer — which is almost a full decade… Continue Reading


How to explain the world at a cocktail party

Talk about Inter-Temporal Discounting at a cocktail party

Want a cool expression to toss out at a dinner party the next time you find yourself in such a socially-elite situation? I’ve got one for you. It’s called “inter-temporal discounting.” Sounds cool, right? I bet you’re already interested. But what is it?… Continue Reading

The incredibly true story of how my fat, lazy ass learned to cook at age 29

A snapshot of three periods of my life: The summer before I turned 21, I lived with five of my best friends in D.C. I couldn’t cook at all. I don’t think we were allowed a meal plan in the… Continue Reading


Want to live longer? Here are nine tips

9 Tips for Living Longer Blue Zones

I went to this Blue Zones event in Fort Worth yesterday for about an hour; if you’re unfamiliar with what “Blue Zones” is, well, here you go. The basic idea is that a National Geographic photographer had been all over the… Continue Reading

Does Robert Aderholt want your children to be fat?

Robert Aderholt is a Congressman from Alabama, and, as a House Appropriations sub-committee chairman, he’s ultimately responsible for setting funding levels on school nutrition programs. You might know that “healthy eating” is a big focus of Michelle Obama — think the… Continue Reading

Is breakfast dead in America?

This is a cool article from Quartz on the decline of orange juice in American life — namely, rising prices of oranges, infections of orange grove, the evil nature of sugar now, etc. — but buried within it is this nugget:… Continue Reading


Yea, this is pretty much why a lot of America is obese and/or fat — but there’s hope

This is via Mother Jones by way of Amber Waves. This is Chart 1. It compares at-home spending patterns of U.S. households (i.e., at the supermarket) with USDA recommendations: Now, here’s Chart 2. It looks where Americans are eating — fast food, restaurants, at… Continue Reading