Fuck it, yo. How about an unconditional basic income?

Pay Everyone To Have A Base Quality Of Life

Would probably never work in the United States, and even so — we might be headed there. Continue Reading

The One D Index (which sounds dirty, yes) will tell you to live in Grand Rapids, Minneapolis, Seattle, Austin or Portland

One Detroit just created a portal and scorecard system to essentially compare their region to 53 other large metro regions in the United States. You can learn a little more about their methodology here, and get a simpler breakdown here, but… Continue Reading

Is Tennessee one of the next great places to live?

Some big news on the education front recently is that Tennessee, long hardly considered a hotbed of public education reform, is now making faster strides than any other state in that area. This process likely all began in 2011, when the… Continue Reading


Is Scandinavia that great, or are there causes for concern?

Worldwide surveys consistently rank Scandinavia as one of the best places to live on Earth. Here’s one prominent example.  I’ve been obsessed with the area for a few years now; I have a background in education (was a teacher for a… Continue Reading