National parks are still quite popular, via Facebook and rich people

National Parks Popularity

Facebook did a year in review, as major websites are wanton to do, and they included a top 10 list of checked-in places in the United States. 3/10 of the list is national parks — Yosemite, Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone —… Continue Reading


Remember: social media isn’t a real relationship

Social Media and Relationships

F’n woke up this morning at about 3:44am. Normally when I do that, I go get some water, maybe pee, and then go back to sleep. That works 8 times out of 10. This morning was one of two times… Continue Reading

What do Google’s top 10 searches of 2014 say about humanity?

Google Top Searches 2014

Had this e-mail dialogue with my friends last night (by “dialogue” I mean I responded to one e-mail, then no one responded after me). Figured I’d move it over here. If you’d like to see a little bit about the… Continue Reading

The New York Times probably doesn’t understand gentrification


Gentrification is a fairly important social construct, although admittedly probably a bunch of people overuse the word in the modern world. If you’ve never heard of it, first remove the rock above your body, and then read this: it’s basically when… Continue Reading

If you think gender relationships to work are changing, uh, look at this chart

Men Vs Women At Work

Back in February, I wrote a post about how men were actually working from home and taking care of kids more than women in some contexts. I’m always dubious of these studies because, while I want to believe them, I also… Continue Reading

If Serial Podcast Season 2 is about crime, how about the David Thorne case?

David Thorne Yvonne Lane

We know there will be a Season 2 of Serial, but we have no idea what it will be about. If I had to guess, I doubt it will be about crime. I feel like it will be a more conventional NPR story… Continue Reading


Social engagement doesn’t matter. Stop measuring it.

Social Media Engagement

As a drunk kid in Vegas once told me (read the post), “We don’t get paid in likes and clicks.” Continue Reading


What’s the value of being selfish or obstinate?


If I had to sit down and make a list of the biggest changes between age 25 and age 34, I think I’d only be 3-4 items into the list before I arrived at “Meeting more selfish people, daily.” Now,… Continue Reading