When outcome matters, competence > likability

Hiring Solutions

I personally found this interesting.

We always talk about wanting bosses who are “empathetic” or “personable,” and that’s largely true. No one wants to work for an asshole or a jerk, or at least I’d hope most humans would not want to. 

At the same time, we talk a lot about “likability” around colleagues too. We know there’s a lot of power to having friends at work, for example. We know gratitude is important. These things all matter. It’s sometimes hard to assign science to those concepts, i.e. put them on a document executives will read, but they definitely matter and I think we all know that.

However, let’s throw a wrinkle in this ointment for a second.

Let’s say you are on a project with a lot of stress. The deliverables are tight. The deadlines are tight. It’s a miserable mess in some ways. A race to the finish line.

Would you rather have a competent co-worker or a likable one?

This is obviously a matter of preference, and based on some of Google’s research around psychological safety, you might say “likable co-worker.”

But in reality, you probably want a competent co-worker.

Here’s some new research, and here’s the essential part:

“If you’re building a baseball team, you don’t care whether a player is nice — you want to know if he can hit the ball,” Pfeffer says. “If you’re looking for a surgeon, you don’t ask about personality.”

I disagree with that quote a tiny bit. I think “beside manner” is important for doctors. When doctors have no social skill, that’s not great either. But overall, yes. Who cares if a 1B in baseball is a nice dude if he strikes out all the time? You’re paying him to hit. Not to be nice.

Little bit of nuance here, because I think we tend to over-value competence in areas like hiring, then get it all wrong on competence in other areas like, well, day-to-day life. 

Work is supposedly about productivity. In reality, it’s largely about control and hopefully most of us know this. But since the illusion is that it’s about productivity, we can roll with that for a few seconds here. 

Productivity can come from being likable, sure. Bosses with good social skills and good personalities likely drive more results. You can definitely find studies to that end, including on this blog. But productivity MORE often comes from competence. If you know your shit, chances are you get your shit done. If you know how to make shit like you, well, now you’re just bonded with feces. See the difference?

When your ass is on the line, competence seems to matter way more. Concur? 

Ted Bauer

One Comment

  1. So Ted your conclusion; “But productivity MORE often comes from competence. If you know your shit, chances are you get your shit done. If you know how to make shit like you, well, now you’re just bonded with feces. See the difference?

    When your ass is on the line, competence seems to matter way more. Concur? ”

    I do concur. If you are good (better than others) at your job and you are not an a..hole you hold the cards. You tend to put yourself ahead of others and you tend to make yourself invaluable. Yes will some people (managers yes) take advantage and even take your efforts and make them theirs but in the long run if you are good at what you do that will stand out and when the smoke clears from any disruption you will remain standing. I’ve seen this through all the jobs I’ve had, I am humbly good at what I do, I see things others don’t I see ahead and I ask the questions and seek the solutions to challenges others do not. How do I do this, experience, reading digging deep into issues and understanding that with more information and ideas and experience than others I can do things others can’t. One other thing I do is I tend to take the road less traveled; if everyone always takes the left road at the fork and they always receive the same response and it does not work or is wrong or inefficient I will always take the right road, the one less traveled. I will seek out different more unique solutions to the challenges. Many times when dealing with others, they say we have not tried the “right road” why should we. I say you keep going left and not getting the response you want, what do you lose going right? And I have fun at driving right rather than left. Best

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