The Blunder Years, Episode 35: Larry Nassar, Boomers, negative predictions, and tone-deaf emails

Tim Sackett and I in discussion about a bunch of things, from losing your mom to bad emails to Boomers to Larry Nassar’s aftermath. Continue Reading


Did we sell expertise down the river?

Seems we still understand what doctors do vs. what plumbers do, sure — but broadly, are we respecting expertise less? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 34: Japan vs. USA, gender equality, karate, motherhood, and cuddles

A conversation about Japan, the USA, garbage, karate, motherhood, gender equality, relationships, and much more. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 33: What’s right? What’s moral? Plus: men in therapy and Texas girls.

A far-reaching conversation on friendship, Texas gals, partisanship, the knowledge economy, losing your mom, finding religion, and more. Continue Reading

The Overblown Implications Effect

If you burn a batch of cookies or mess up a work presentation, do people think you are a bad cook or dumb now forever? Continue Reading