The Blunder Years, Episode 39: Why are adults so bad at learning, and how do we improve?

How do adults get better at gaining and retaining information, both personally and professionally? A half-hour discussion. Continue Reading

Welcome to The Tin Foil Hat Era

A lack of control and certainty about modern times have many rushing to conspiracy theories. And now: research on this! Continue Reading


Where is the tone-deaf line right now? Where is the positive-negative line?

It’s hard to always know what’s what in a crisis moment. Is your marketing tone-deaf? And are you sharing too much negative stuff? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 38: My girlfriend and I discuss life, Lent, loss, love

My girlfriend and I tape a discussion, briefly, about life, Lent, loss, decision-making, love in the time of corona, and Samson dog. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 37: In conversation with my pastor on, well, a bunch of stuff

Even though I curse online sometimes and people assume I’m not religious as a result (weird), I somewhat am — so here’s me and my pastor talking life. Continue Reading

The pandemic’s Isaac Newton effect

Isaac Newton’s “Year of Wonders” happened as a result of the Bubonic Plague. What’s next for us, then? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 36: “Nobody’s f*cking equal!”

The myth of team diversity

How equal are we, really? And if we’re not that equal, what does that mean for both raising kids and HR best practices? A conversation. Continue Reading


Baby Boomer “leaders” demand loyalty and allegiance above all

In some ways, you could argue Trump is the ultimate Boomer. His near-obsession with loyalty has broader work repercussions for us all. Continue Reading