The peril of convenience

We can get a lot of what we want quickly, but what’s the external cost of that? Continue Reading

Ever stop and think how weird and winding life is? Or: the 2007 Big East Tournament story.

Two mid-20something idiots at an Irish dive bar, and the paths it took. Continue Reading

The emotional dichotomy around diversity and inclusion

“Nice to have” vs. “Need to have,” along the prism of emotional labor. Continue Reading

“Small dick justification, and 55 cents at the margin…”

The path through work ain’t all roses and quadruple-like IG posts. Continue Reading

Why do we keep fertility journeys secretive, y’all?

“Brenda, my dude’s dick don’t work” isn’t the best brunch conversation, but maybe it should be? Continue Reading

What happens if the full-time job becomes a relic of the past?

What happens if the traditional concept of a “10-to-7” is over in 30 years? What does it mean for society, masculinity, etc.? Continue Reading

At some point, I needed to stop day drinking. Think maybe I’ve hit that moment…

Hernia surgeries and taco recommendations somehow come together here. Continue Reading

Executives shouldn’t hold the whole organization to their standards, honestly

“It’s important for the culture that everyone reside here in San Diego. We won’t pay you enough to do that, but…” Continue Reading