Alcohol does lead to social bravery, and moreso in men

I drink, and probably a bit too much sometimes, and I often wonder about the primary reason for that. I think it typically comes back to this: social bonding. It’s pretty easy for me, as a guy, to go to a… Continue Reading

Here’s a personal story I feel like writing about

Last summer I tried to start blogging via Tumblr. It was a pretty unsuccessful endeavor. I did get a chance to experiment with some different post formats, though; that ultimately led to this blog, which is something I’m (mostly) proud… Continue Reading

New Hampshire drinks more than basically anyone else

As you can see above, turkeys in New Hampshire get fed beer for flavor purposes. Nice. This should now surprise no one, because New Hampshire drinks more than basically anywhere else in the United States. For beer, it’s 40.8 gallons… Continue Reading

Starbucks will eventually sell alcohol in about 1,000 stores. And so it begins.

Here’s the corporate version: “Anything that you see happening here is driven by the question: what is the customer looking for?” Starbucks spokesperson Alisha Damodaran told Quartz.“When we think about new product offerings in the stores, we always think about what… Continue Reading


Singapore really loves downing Scotch whisky, it appears

Whiskey and whisky are confusing worlds. To clarify: you can only really call something ‘scotch’ if it was made in Scotland, and that’s often called ‘whisky’ to distinguish from ‘whiskey,’ which can be made anywhere. Other Scottish rules for Scotch:… Continue Reading


If you like beer, get yourself to Guangzhou, China

Americans lose their shit over cheap beer prices. If you ever meet someone from western New York state, they will — not a question of if, a question of when — tell you about Genny Cream Ale and how it’s something like… Continue Reading

Hangovers are bad, and are even worse when we’re older. Thanks to South Korean lab rats, we have an idea why.

There’s a good chance you might be hungover tomorrow. Such is, as they say, life. The first thing I would recommend is not watching the above video while hungover — it blares Rihanna at you, and that can be extremely tough to… Continue Reading