Ron Johnson, retail semi-legend, just gave an open palm slap to Big Data

The American business culture is often very “What have you done for me lately?” In that sense, you can argue Ron Johnson is a flop. He had big successes in the retail space, most notably with helping Target get into… Continue Reading

Is the future of search engines going to be contextual search?

In other words, in the old days, if you wanted to do something—navigate to the restaurant where you’ve got a dinner reservation—you might open a web browser and search for its address. But in the post-search world of context—in which our… Continue Reading


Apple is dead. Long live Apple!

You know how athletes — and definitely professional wrestlers — always talk about being gunned for when you’re No. 1 / the champion? If you want a real-life application of that, look no further than Apple, the undisputed cash-on-hand king… Continue Reading

By 2015: 349.1 million tablets and 1.95 billion mobile phones shipped worldwide.

That’s the new analysis from Gartner; if you consider the “dawn of the tablet age” to be January 2010 (when iPad’s first generation hit), that’s fairly substantial growth. (There were tablets as far back as 1997 by some arguments, although… Continue Reading

Is the next big thing going to be a solar-powered Macbook from Apple?

Apple’s new patent — U.S. number 8,638,549 — concerns a rear plate for the MacBook. It could be used to house solar cells. (The correct term is photovoltaic, but I’m trying to keep things relatively clean here.) From Apple Insider: Finally, Apple… Continue Reading

An iPhone costs about $872 U.S. in China, and yet, they’re flying off the shelves

Most of your iPhone comes from China, but now the story has a new twist: the Chinese are buying up iPhones at new-record rates, despite the fact that a 5S costs about $872 U.S. (5,288 yuan). In the most recently-ended… Continue Reading

What’s the best holiday season ad of all-time?

This Apple ad about how the teenage generation is digitally misunderstood dropped a couple of days ago. It’s pretty good and fairly emotional (you might cry, as it seems like Time Magazine did). Got me thinking: the holiday season is really the… Continue Reading

Breathless business strategy analysis time: Why did Apple buy Topsy?

That video above explains to you what Topsy basically does: it allows you to search through about 400 million tweets sent every day and figure out trends around them. Since Twitter’s biggest value is essentially that it can cover information… Continue Reading