The humble beginnings of Google and its data centers: a cage next to eBay and enough for two million queries per day

Google is secretive about their data centers — only logical, as they’re a source of competitive advantage for the company — but they have some public pages about them, including a behind-the-scenes look and a location map of 12-13 established locations… Continue Reading

Privacy and big data discussions have now extended to the farmers, via Monsanto and John Deere

I considered applying for a job with Monsanto last year in grad school — let’s be honest, I wouldn’t have gotten it because it’s a St. Louis-based ag company and I’m some ridiculous douchebag from New York City — and… Continue Reading


Tremendous truism about Big Data: C-Level executives value it, but have no idea what to do with it

Tremendous headline over on CIO right now: C-Level Execs Value Data, Have No Idea What To Do With It. This could be an earlier leader on the nerd/wonk front for best headline of the year, because it is unflinchingly and utterly true. You… Continue Reading


Ever wonder why traffic lights are red, yellow, and green — and how to beat them? Audi has you covered.

I’ve long been amazed by traffic lights. That seems like a pretty dumb thing to say, for sure, but think about it: in a world where daily life can be incredibly chaotic, how did we manage to implement a system… Continue Reading


Some important Big Data milestones around gay rights, marijuana, and the U.S. role as a global cop

2014 is about 1.25 days old right now in the United States, and it feels pretty OK so far — with the exception of the passing of Uncle Phil, nothing majorly monumental seems to have happened (and I’m not sure… Continue Reading