What if being happy at work is all just a huge scam?

For people that care about this kind of stuff (**raises hand**), now seems to be kind of a landmark time in the “Intersection Of Happiness And Work” research/execution world. Will Davies wrote an article for The Atlantic in June on… Continue Reading


So wait, doesn’t the existence of consultants imply a lack of business trust in employees?

Consultants and Trust

A couple of quick stories before we get going here: 1. Used to work with a kid who hated the sheer idea of consultants (like someone in Office Space). Whenever something happened in his office, he’d snark to the senior… Continue Reading

Did Einstein explain the rationale for consultants?

I just went for a walk off downtown Fort Worth because it’s basically the second day of fall, and the weather is crisp and nice. (It’s a little bit closer to where I’m from, also known as New York City.) I… Continue Reading