Let’s all talk about gifted and talented programs for a few minutes

This is an interesting topic, and a lot has been written about it recently because of a new study in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy that essentially says studying with other high-achieving peers has no real benefit. After 1.5 years of gifted and… Continue Reading

Tom Steyer could be the cage-rattler that liberals (and the Earth) need

Everyone has heard about the Koch Brothers by this point, it seems, but less people have heard of Tom Steyer, who is the liberal election-alterer of the moment. He made his money via hedge funds in the Bay Area, and now… Continue Reading


The Milken Best Performing Cities list tells us to move west of the Mississippi and/or embrace Columbia, Missouri

The Milken Institute released its annual Best Performing Cities list this week. Here’s the methodology, and here’s the list of “best large cities” and “best small cities.” There are a bunch of cool features, including the ability to compare different cities,… Continue Reading


WhatsApp might be poised to take over the world (provided it hasn’t already)

Check out this chart, which I found over on Quartz: The dominant social messaging app all over the world (in terms of areas, not necessarily per capita) is a thing called WhatsApp, which I had admittedly only heard of once… Continue Reading

What’s the best holiday season ad of all-time?

This Apple ad about how the teenage generation is digitally misunderstood dropped a couple of days ago. It’s pretty good and fairly emotional (you might cry, as it seems like Time Magazine did). Got me thinking: the holiday season is really the… Continue Reading

Humans are basically powerless when it comes to undercutting corporations

When you have a bad customer service experience, normally you think “Well, that sucked.” Some people also think, “If I complain to the company, or maybe talk about it on Facebook, or maybe tell my friends, then that will hit… Continue Reading


So grade inflation is probably up. What does that mean?

Lot of stories about grade inflation recently — see here, here and here — so I’ll add one too. Last year, I took a graduate-level business course (the topic of the specific class was mostly micro-economics). The professor used three… Continue Reading


The center of the American drone revolution might be Stillwater, Oklahoma

Drones are predominantly associated with the military, but commercial uses are on the rise. The biggest day-to-day life example was the whole Amazon-reveals-it-on-60-Minutes thing (although some believe that might be kinda far off), but there are implications for the oil and gas industry… Continue Reading