Brief thought exercise: if you knew conclusively what happened when you died, would you treat the world better right now?

This isn’t a full-fledged post by any means; ’tis just a thought exercise. If you believe that things like overpopulation and peak oil and food supply and over-dependence on fossil fuels and the future of the oceans are all concerns we could be addressing more now, then… Continue Reading


The Atacama Desert, in Chile, is a mass graveyard for nine million year-old whales. What gives?

Here’s a new paper, summarized in layman’s terms here, that explains the “whale graveyard” paleontologists had found in Chile. Turns out, the whales were toppled by nothing more than simple algae. At the time of first discovery of all this, in 2010,… Continue Reading

Why are honeybees important, you might ask? They’re tied to $15 billion in produce every year. Oh, and they invented twerking.

That video above claims that honeybees (or honey bees, whatever you prefer) are essential to the development of mankind. Before you shout “HYPERBOLE!” and return to Facebook-stalking a girl you once brushed up against in college, let’s go through this for a… Continue Reading


The orca shames us all, food-chain wise; humans and pigs are on the same level

There’s a lot going on right now with orcas (killer whales), almost none of it very good. (“Nature gets revenge on man.”) Here’s some moderately good news for the species, I suppose: they’re now, officially, all the way at the top… Continue Reading