36 million tons of food waste goes to landfills every year (just in the U.S.) That’s about 30-40 percent of all food. Can we do something?

From PBS NewsHour: basically, about 30 percent of the food produced in the United States ends up as waste. 36 million tons goes to landfills, which is bad news for the environment — food waste ultimately converts to methane, which is… Continue Reading


Lentils (superfood!) are the future, and you can either embrace it or form an orderly line of haters to the left

I’ve been cooking for about four years now, and I’ve done all variety of different types of crap (literally, some of it has tasted very bad). In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been messing around more and more with… Continue Reading


The orca shames us all, food-chain wise; humans and pigs are on the same level

There’s a lot going on right now with orcas (killer whales), almost none of it very good. (“Nature gets revenge on man.”) Here’s some moderately good news for the species, I suppose: they’re now, officially, all the way at the top… Continue Reading

On Kevin Carter’s famous photo and suicide

I saw this story on Reddit this morning — it was a TIL — about Kevin Carter’s suicide, which took place three months after he won the Pulitzer Prize for arguably one of the most depressing photos ever taken. People… Continue Reading


Maybe it’s time to walk back the Thailand rice subsidy

Here was the plan: the government of Thailand would buy rice at a higher-than-market rate — say, 40 to 50 percent — then store it, wait for the global adjustment in demand (because of how much rice Thailand exports), and… Continue Reading

Jennifer Johnson, Maine woman, beats her husband in local political race

Jennifer Johnson defeated her husband, David, in a Ward 1 warden position race in Maine on Election Day 2013. The final tally was 127-76 for the wife, who is the Democrat of the union. Here’s the ballot. The reason for… Continue Reading