Patrick Moen and Paul Schmidt left the Oregon DEA to work … in the medical marijuana industry?

If you like this article or others on here, scroll on down to the bottom and share it up a bit. Patrick Moen, a DEA agent in Oregon, quit his job in late 2013 and now works for Privateer Holdings,… Continue Reading


Aereo vs. ABC to the Supreme Court can change everything about how we watch TV — and could put the NFL on cable, finally

Let’s say you’re tired of how cable companies are straight-up gouging you (I was), so you cut the cord (I did). What are your options for watching the shows you still love? You can go with a combo of Netflix… Continue Reading


Thomas Garrett, a legislator in Virginia, seems hell-bent on criminalizing oral sex between teenagers

Thomas Garrett is a State Senator in Virginia; he covers District 22, which is kind of an odd middle section of the state in between Richmond and Roanoke. He’s a Republican and fairly conservative; here’s a list of some of… Continue Reading


“We are disgusted:” The Austin Smith Clem story takes another turn

Here’s the basic story: Alabama man, 25, named Austin Smith Clem is accused of raping his neighbor, Courtney Andrews, three times during her adolescence (at ages 14 and 18). In the initial sentencing (which took place last month), the judge technically… Continue Reading


Valessa Robinson helps orchestrate murder of her mother, gets released at 30; in other news, U.S. justice system might be totally f*cked

Here’s the essential rundown of the Valessa Robinson case. Essentially, Vicki Robinson was a 49 year-old mother; her daughter, Valessa, was a rebellious teenager. Valessa was 15 and dating a 19 year-old (Adam Davis). Vicki Robinson was reported missing in… Continue Reading

The future of Siracha is in question

About two weeks ago, Quartz did a pretty amazing profile of the makers of Siracha hot sauce, namely Huy Fong Foods in the Los Angeles area. They honestly should be the subject of a Harvard Business Review case study: they sell 20… Continue Reading