How about we discuss uninterrupted work time?

Uninterrupted Work Time

There are about 24.2 million hits on Google for “uninterrupted work time,” so it feels like something people are interested in and others are putting out content around. Makes sense, right? We’re all super busy, e-mail is the current generation’s… Continue Reading

Your time at work really isn’t your own. Change that.

Make time at work your own

This is a really good, albeit long, article from Wharton (UPenn) summarizing the different speakers they had at a recent event in SF, and how everyone basically talked about how relationships are central to business success. It’s a good and uplifting article… Continue Reading


Please think for at least one fucking second about calling that meeting


You could choke a horse (or several) with the literature on “When To Call A Meeting!,” which of course no one even remotely takes to heart. Continue Reading

Here’s a new way to start work projects

Stop and think for a second, sir. Continue Reading

How about this meetings-open-with-a-memo idea, eh?

Amazon Meetings And Memos Before Meetings

Cool article here on “extroverted leadership.” You say “extroverted leadership” to a random rank-and-file at a company, and they probably will instantly quote you their fucking Meyers-Briggs four-letter combo. (Pavlovian.) In reality, though, introverts and extroverts and the interplay of the… Continue Reading

The scientific reason work is a clusterfuck

Why is work a clusterfuck?

I wrote a little bit about the Dunning-Kruger effect once before, and now there’s an extension of it described in The Washington Post (based on this research paper). First, let’s talk about the experiment and what it was aiming to… Continue Reading

Why do meetings necessarily need to be about a specific topic?

Corporate Athletes and Meetings

I’m going to make an argument here (and probably do so poorly), and the argument is going to be a little bit hard to follow (I think). Bear with me. I think there might be something here. (Generalization to start)… Continue Reading

You can ignore an ad. You can’t ignore a relationship.

Ads vs. Relationships

This should be the future of how brands try to reach people. It might take a while, though. Continue Reading