Working from an office is kind of a preposterous notion, when you think about it

I came across an interesting article about Dell the other day; essentially, by 2020, they want half of their workforce to be working remotely.(Right now it’s about 20 percent.) The shift to the current 20 percent has saved Dell, by… Continue Reading


The media game has changed, and people still seem confused by why

There have been a couple of interesting articles recently about the presence of “viral media” (more on that in a second). There was a profile of Gawker’s Neetzan Zimmerman in The Wall Street Journal, including Zimmerman’s traffic chart as compared to other… Continue Reading

I’m a white male and I have some friends, but I still understand the Salon article

Here it is. Essentially, it claims that the hidden issue for American men is their inability to make lasting friendships (especially white American men, of which I am one). Here’s the essential paragraph (or one of them): To be close friends, men… Continue Reading

This is the time of the year that you probably hate Walter Afanasieff

“I don’t want a lot this Christmas…” Come on, sing it. You know all the words. You know you do. That song is almost 20 years old now (whoa) and it’s basically the last behemoth Christmas song out there, which is… Continue Reading


Uber might someday be the true darling of the social media world; sorry, Facebook and Twitter

This post from New York lays out the different reasons why Uber is poised to be a big thing. All this started with a post on Valleywag about Uber’s financials. Then there’s the idea that they’re working with GM and Toyota to get some drivers… Continue Reading


Could you learn something entirely from YouTube? Let’s try it out with Christmas

I have a Roku and an Apple TV — fancy — and when my parents were here for Thanksgiving, my dad didn’t know how to carve a turkey (he had seen it done, and done it, but this isn’t necessarily muscle… Continue Reading


With the World Cup draw, an age-old question: does someone like Lionel Messi have to win a championship for his legacy?

I just embedded that video up top because it’s fun, and because it got about 33 million hits in about four days. It’s not really relevant at all to this post; Kobe Bryant has won a championship (five of ’em,… Continue Reading

In appreciation of Jamie Foxx

Let me start with this: when I sat down to write this, news broke in the U.S. that Nelson Mandela passed away. I’m on an e-mail thread with some of my best guy friends, and we had a quick exchange… Continue Reading