The Blunder Years, Episode 34: Japan vs. USA, gender equality, karate, motherhood, and cuddles

A conversation about Japan, the USA, garbage, karate, motherhood, gender equality, relationships, and much more. Continue Reading


When your boss sucks, everyone knows it, everyone talks with each other about it, but …

Stop promoting assholes

The promise, and the peril, of delivering feedback up a chain of command. Continue Reading


“Wishful thinking rather than accurate self-assessment”

Self-awareness is not at scale, and it might be regressing. Continue Reading

What if we thought of getting fired as a good thing?

The prism of self-awareness can save you. Continue Reading

Most people you meet won’t be that self-aware

Confirmation bias vs. self-awareness in a 12-round cage match, and self-awareness ain’t winning too often. Continue Reading


Stop promoting project managers to lead people

Just because you manage tasks and timelines well doesn’t mean you’re going to manage people well. Continue Reading

Your career sucks because you lack self-awareness

It’s time to yank your head out of your posterior for a week or two. Continue Reading


Don’t run from your shortcomings. Embrace ’em.


The system works like this: fail, fix the failure, fail again, fix that failure, and continue to grow. Oh wait. The system ** should ** work like that. BS and bluster gets in the way. Continue Reading